Rioni HD live stream : Watch Rioni online for free on any device on Zass TV. Streaming with a touch of magic.
“Rioni” is focused on the objective coverage of current socio-political events in the local, regional and the whole country.
The TV and radio company Rioni does not represent the interests of any political party or group, is guided by the principles of free media and serves the development of democracy in the country, the promotion of values based on respect for human rights, the introduction of a culture of tolerance.
TV-Radio Company “Rioni”, whose organizational-legal form is limited liability company. The company exists under the auspices of advertising orders and separate copyright programs. It is distinguished by high awareness among the spectators, with qualified staff.
Tamar Ghvinianidze is a limited liability company, sole proprietor and general director. The company exists under the auspices of the author of advertising programs. It is distinguished by high awareness among the spectators, with qualified staff.